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Dora, 2003, Bay Mare

(Mates Footsteps - Smart Mate x Peppys Lil Footsteps)

Another rare opportunity - this time a chance to acquire a stellar brood mare.  Dora brings the pedigree from the very successful Smart Mate lines.  She is no longer sound for regular riding, but could tote a youngster or enjoy a pasture retirement.
Dora's pedigree includes many historical winners in AQHA history; Smart Little Lena, Freckles Playmate, Peppy San Bader and Dora Creek.  Behind these horses are the memorable Doc Olena, Smart Peppy, Freckles Playboy, Nip Nap, Mr San Peppy, Sugar Badger, Docs Eldorado and Paula Creek.  This mare brings the foundation lines alive.

Envy, 2009, Chestnut Mare

(SG Aech She Smart - Chics In The Male x Smokin Aech)

This brood mare is reining bred.  She has flaxen hairs in mane and tail and a refined narrow blaze.  We've ridden her in the arena, at the show and out to gather cattle.  She is a solid worker, rarely injured.  And she throws correct, beautiful foals.

Reye, 2007, Sorrel Mare

Purple Dual Rey - Marque Dual Rey x Purple Pistol )

This brood mare has cutting in her blood and cutting training and performance in her history.  

A pretty little sorel with a lovely white star on her face, she is as friendly as they come.


Service Name


Lisa, 2011,
Chestnut Mare

Truckin Lisa Marie

(NMSU Truckin Chex x Loeletas Tivio)


Lisa Marie aka Truckin Lisa Marie is a stunning dark chestnut.  She is an own daughter of Kevin Stallings' winning stud, NMSU Truckin Chex.  Better known as Elvis, this stud won many world AQHA and NRCHA Open Bridle titles and tallied up lifetime earnings of over $185,000 before retiring with an injury.  We like this stud for his longevity - he was winning Open Bridle titles against his own offspring in the arena before he retired.

Breeze, 2009, Chestnut Mare

SG Aech She Smart -

(Chics In The Male x Smokin Aech)

Breeze is a sensitive and correct mare. She can be rather bossy with her pasture mates and is very tough on her foals.  They certainly learn to pay attention!


Breeze is a beautiful ride with a smooth lope.  She has been ridden by guests an children fairly often as she doesn't try anything nasty.  But if you know what you are doing, she can be ridden bridleless in a fine collected lope.


This brood mare is reining bred and has attended a couple small horse shows.  She has flaxen hairs in mane and tail and a refined narrow blaze.  We've ridden her in the arena, at the show and out to gather cattle.  She is a solid worker, rarely injured.  And she throws correct, beautiful foals.


Each year we select stallions that we think will make a perfect match with our mares to be bred.  We have used local studs, standing at Olds College as well as famous and distant ones at big stud farms in the USA.  Each stallion offers something unique - their conformation and size, their performance history, their disposition and ease of handling, their colour and of course, their previous offspring. 


Like a gardener browsing seed catalogues as the winter wind blows, breeders research pedigrees and watch performance videos through the cold, slower months.  In the past couple years, shipments of semen have been difficult and unrelliable from the USA, and so we have concentrated on studs standing in Canada. 


If possible, I prefer pasture breeding as it is the most natural process for the horses and generally leads to the best pregnancy rates.  Not every mare will allow this process and many studs no longer provide live cover at all due to the risk of injury.  Aritificial insemination is a marvellous technilogical advance in the breeding world, but it is not always easy or successful.  It can involve many long drives, sometimes with a large thermos marked "SEMEN" strapped securely into the passenger seat. 


At 14 days post insemination we can ultrasound the mare to determine if we have achieved an embryo but things are still tenuous.  At 30 days, a live heart beat is a joyous sound.  And somewhere around 11 months, if everything goes right, when no one is around, the foal will arrive - a gangly, wet and confused creature..  From birth, a foal should be standing within an hour and suckling within two.  Each live foal is a true miracle!

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