horse, for sale, quarter horse, aqha, reAlberta, Arizona, iner, roper, cutter, arena, lesson, clinic, practice, cows, cattle, Bayywatch, Boss, Hashtags, cowhorse, reining, ranch, versatility, quarter horse, aqha, alberta, mountain view county, Bergen, Arizona, Cottonwood, Peaktop View Ranch, Tall Timber Ranch, Bar TT Cowhorse, horse for sale, horse to buy, well started horses, broke horses, roping, ranching, cattle, foothills, nrcha, NARCHC, CACHC, ARHVA, AZVRHA,RA,van Staalduinen, Laureen, Little, western riding, horse training, colt starting, foals, round pen, patience pole, Trilogy free-walker, Sundre, Didsbury, Olds, Cremona, Carstairs, Dog Pound, Eagle Hill, Rocky Mountain House, WWOOF, WorkAway, Work, Visa, horsemanship, learn
(403) 650-4909
Brood Mares & Babies For Sale
Our mares are open this fall. Our foaling window was fairly late and we decided they could have a year off to relax and recuperate.
Each of our four mares had a foal this spring. We had a new baby each week for a while. Maybe I'm the one that needs to recuperate? The babies are still nursing but will be available for sale once weaned.​
Reye is available for purchase as soon as her foal is weaned - likely Christmas time. She is healthy and will be ready for your breeding plans come spring.
We are hoping to use Breeze as a surrogate this winter. We will plan on breeding Lisa and Dora in the spring.
The mares and foals spent the summer together out at pasture, except for Lisa & Crown, who required extra care. The foals enjoyed their increasing independence from their respective mothers and the chance to explore in the bush. There were plenty of logs to jump over and native animals to meet - just what we like for our babies! Lisa & Crown were able to join them a bit later and quickly became part of the group, often in daycare with Reye while the other mares wandered further afield.